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The Shop is a blue building that exists in every station belonging to a town. Here, the player can purchase a number of items used in the running of locomotives.

In order to purchase an item, the corresponding sign behind the counter must be scanned with the scanner. After the player uses their wallet on the shop's cash register, a receipt is deposited onto the counter along with all items the player purchased.

Goods available for purchase in shops
Item name Price Description Location
Shovel $250 Used to shovel coal All Shops
Lighter $150 Used to ignite a fire All Shops
Lantern $2000 Provides a mild amount of light All Shops
Flashlight $5000 Provides a cone of light All Shops
Pocket watch $5,000 Measures the flow of time Harbor & Town
Steve's Garage Key $20,000 unlocks the DE6 slug Harbor & Town
Old Bob's Garage Key $5,000 Unlocks the BE2 Microshunter Food Factory & Town
Locomotive remote $25,000 Operate compatible locomotives remotely Machine Factory & Town
EOT Lantern $1,000 Used to mark the end of a train Machine Factory & Town
Golden shovel $20,000 Shovel more coal in one go, with style Goods Factory & Town
Expert shovel $5,000 Shovel less coal in one go Goods Factory & Town
Boombox $15,000 80s style tape and radio player City South-West
Reginald's Garage Key $25,000 Unlocks the caboose City South-West


Build 86:

Build 85:

  • Added a shop to City SW.
    • Features a poster (more shop posters todo)

Build 82:

  • Fixed Shop Item Scanner sometimes falling through the counter

Build 80:

  • Reworked shops
    • Shops are now dedicated buildings with item shelves
    • Every shop now features items exclusive to that shop
    • Remade cash register


Shop v80