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A caboose is a specialized wagon, providing additional braking power and housing brakemen, who would watch for slack-action in the train and apply the brakes in case of a breakaway.

Other functionality includes storing items, an on-board Career manager, Remote Controller and Flashlight charging stations, and boosting the Remote Controller's range by 2 kilometers. The Caboose itself is marked on the map by a red square. Clicking on said square allows the player to teleport inside, free of charge. Using the crew vehicle spawner mode on the Comms radio, it can be spawned for $5,000.

In order to obtain the Caboose, one must purchase the Reginald's Garage Key in City Southwest, then locate Reginald's Garage and use the key on the door lock. This is also the only caboose in the game - unlocking Reginald's Garage will not cause additional cabooses to spawn.

Prior to the Simulator update, the Caboose was the only rail vehicle, besides the handcar, to have a functional handbrake.


The Caboose appears to be heavily based off the BNSF "Extended Vision" caboose design, or a similar design. However, the ingame version's body appears to be made of wood, similarly to older designs.


Build 88:

  • In case of reset tracks, Caboose will retain items left in it
  • In case of reset tracks, Caboose will teleport with the player to the nearest station
    • Will happen if the Caboose was attached to the train you were last using
    • Will happen if the Caboose was within 1.5km of the player in the last session
    • Will happen in #87 -> #88 build transition
  • Added charging sound to Caboose loco remote charger

Build 86:

  • Added colliders to buffers
  • Added keyboard control to independent brake

Build 85:

  • Added Caboose
    • Secret garage find, unlockable by buying a key
    • Boosts Loco Remote signal by additional 2km, when in 2km range
    • Features a fast battery charger for the Loco Remote
    • Visible on map (useful as end-of-train marker)
    • Contains its own Career Manager (allowing mobile or remote area servicing)
    • Allows free teleporting between it and the locos in the same train (“jump”)
    • Can be summoned using Comms Radio for $10k
    • Has its own independent brake
    • Has stronger brakes than other cars/locos
    • Can be used to store items
    • Doesn’t take damage (until locomotive ownership is added)
