Build 87

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Released Sat, September 12, 2020


  • Added Multiple-Unit Control
    • DE2 and DE6 locos now come equipped with an MU cable
    • When connected, locomotives will share all controls
    • Compatible with Loco Remote
    • Requires a new MU license to use
  • Randomized timing of engine shut-off due to overheating


  • Added a step in tutorial extension that teaches the player to pay the fees
  • Fixed a bug on tutorial extension restart that could spawn the shunter under the hopper
  • Fixed errors when loading the tutorial in certain states causing it to become unplayable
  • Fixed a bug with the “first crash” message able to appear multiple times, and too soon
  • Modified the turntable step resolution criteria to be clearer
  • Modified tutorial end criteria (prevented potential intentional game crash)
  • Removed locomotive blocker from service depot (could cause temporary item loss)
  • Fixed being asked to take out a Comms Radio when already holding it
  • Fixed a case where the tutorial wouldn’t detect the player entering the loco
  • Fixed missing belt points on save game load during tutorial extension (VR)


  • Fixed player-camera misalignment caused by circular movement when smooth turning
  • Fixed switching from room-scale to centered play type not updating the player height setting


  • Fixed game crashing of you put a brake hose in the inventory
  • Fixed sound NRE on game quit
  • Fixed various small bugs with code-reused cars (stuck hazmat fx, stuck sounds, etc.)
  • Made a minor Gondola rendering optimization
  • Reworked how terrains are loaded, slight optimization
    • Fixes bug with derailed trains falling through terrain


  • Added Anisotropic Filtering Ultra setting (sharper texture rendering)
  • Fixed bad position of Gondola brake cocks
  • Fixed visible terrain corners at the military base tunnel entrance
  • Fixed loco spawning not working properly at IME (and potentially other locations)
  • Fixed being able to take items through Career Manager when interacting with mouse
  • No longer showing “press ‘print’ for details” on a “you have no fees” screen
  • Fixed GF and FF service stations always drawing regardless of distance
  • Fixed Reginald poster always drawing regardless of distance to player
  • Made the VR centered play area mode popup take Trigger to begin
    • Can be cancelled by opening the menu
  • Fixed sound not having interior effect when teleported to vehicles, sometimes
  • Standardized code settings regarding VR haptic feedback
  • Removed “shop” sign from gas stations
  • Added quotes to license names in UI (nonVR)