Career manager

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The career manager is used to pay fees, purchase licenses, and view information about both. They can be found in every Station Office, next to a job validator. They have a black exterior with a metallic "CAREER MANAGER" sign, a large screen, 5 buttons, a printer slot, and a payment slot. The five buttons from left to right are "up", "down", "cancel", "confirm", and a green "print info" button.

A career manager can also be found in the caboose. While there's no job validator to accompany it, it functions the same as its station-bound counterpart, allowing you to pay fees and service locomotives on the fly.


Build 89:

  • Updated default screen text to “Please select:”

Build 88:

  • Made “copay paid” screen exit directly to item selection

Build 85:

  • Added “press ‘print’ for details” line to item listings

Build 83:

  • Reworded a few lines

Build 82:

  • Added Stats screen to Career Manager
    • Shows player stats including total copay and time bonus deadline effect

Build 81:

  • Redesigned dialog texts
    • Puts more focus on what you need to pay to clear all fees
  • Made “print info” button green, on Career Manager

Build 80:

  • Added Career Manager machine
    • Located in every office station
    • Used to browse licenses and buy them
    • Used to browse fees and pay them