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Fees are penalties that must be paid at the Career Manager. While unpaid fees exist, licenses cannot be purchased. They can be caused by:

  • Damage to cars
  • Damage to cargo
  • Damage to locomotives
  • Damage to environment due to cargo damage
  • Damage to environment due to locomotive emissions
  • Use of consumables in locomotives, such as diesel fuel, oil, coal, water or sand.


Build 85:

  • Added dynamic Fee Tolerance
    • Job suspension will now tolerate fees depending on the % of your overall wealth
    • Your current Fee Tolerance can be see listed in Stats

Build 84:

  • Revamped the fee tracking system
    • Paying fees for jobs no longer requires discarding or completing them
    • Reaching copay now always clears all the fees
    • Having fees under $5k will no longer prevent the player from taking new jobs
    • The player can’t take new jobs if having 8+ fees (or if hoarding money as before)
    • Updated fee booklet design (simplified texts, layout)

Build 80:

  • Added Fees
    • Career Manager can print fee booklets, detailing damages and consumed resources
    • Fees are tracked per job (cars included) or per locomotive
    • Fees can also include environmental damage (from emissions or accidents)
    • Player must repay all fees in order to buy or upgrade licenses
    • Job reports now list relevant fees