Build 80

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This is the Overhauled update. Released Thu, May 21, 2020


  • Drastically optimized CPU load of parked cars (notable in stations)
  • Drastically optimized CPU load when spawning trains or coming close to them
  • Drastically optimized CPU impact of derailed cars
  • Drastically optimized rendering of tracks, props, cars and cargo
  • Removed hiccup at the moment of derailing
  • Fixed items remaining active when distant
  • Optimized various sound code
  • Slightly optimized car cargo model rendering
  • Fixed rare items getting duplicated when revisited
  • Fixed non-physical shovel in VR killing performance


  • Added V-Sync option (unlocks FPS)
  • Added render path settings (forward vs. deferred)
  • Added post processing effects (optional)
  • Added SSAO (optional, deferred only)
  • Added TAA (optional, nonVR only)
  • Added experimental real-time reflections (optional)
  • Improved lighting in offices
  • Improved anti-aliasing on vegetation billboards (distant trees)

VR Controls

  • Added Oculus Quest support (via Link)
  • Revamped controls on most controller types
  • Revamped VR implementation
    • Fixed issues with room-scale and centered (formerly seated) play area types
    • Added adjustable player height setting
  • Improved item handling
    • Added option so items stick to hand (default for all but Index, configurable)
    • It is now possible to move and turn while holding an item in hand
    • Trigger-click to use item in hand (trigger+up on Vive)
    • Trigger+axis to use or scroll the item in hand (e.g. page flipping)
    • Fixed items shaking when held
    • Fixed accidentally grabbing false items and sub-controls (priority system)
    • Removed excess haptic feedback (when touching an item in belt or the other hand)
    • Items now properly align to the hand when taken
  • Smooth locomotion is now the default locomotion type (configurable)
  • Telegrab is now a one-button action (hold grab to point, release to attract)
  • Teleport button now works in all situations, no longer clashing with telegrab
    • This fixes being unable to move sometimes when using Index controllers
  • Added smooth turn option (configurable turn speed)
  • Added crouch and jump
    • Hold axis down to crouch, tap to jump
  • Fixed snap turn math error that was offsetting the player from player collider over time
  • Fixed trigger-press dropping held item
  • Fixed items getting dropped when pulled quickly out of inventory
  • Fixed controls booklet adapting to headset type, now adapts to controller type instead
    • This fixes Vive/Index combo users not seeing Index controls in the booklet
  • Shovel is now non-physical by default (configurable)
  • Fixed arc and vibration levels in Oculus VR mode to be consistent with the SteamVR version
  • Added ControllerAnchors.json file (in SaveGameData)
    • Can be edited to tweak position and rotation of VR controller sphere and telegrab/UI beam

Non-VR Controls

  • Added mouse-wheel support for using train controls
  • Added sitting toggle (default key X)
    • Useful for better visibility in some locomotives
  • Improved hitboxes for using train controls with mouse
  • Smoother lever movement when keyboard-controlled
  • Added controls options
    • Mouse sensitivity, Invert Mouse Y axis, Toggle crosshair, See controls
  • Improved camera transition when exiting item-interaction mode (Alt)
  • Player moves slower when crouching (or sitting)
  • Made all train controls remappable (steamer valves, draft, etc.)

Jobs & Cargo

  • Added Hazardous Materials jobs
    • Includes 15 hazmat cargo types (11 new)
    • Includes explosive, asphyxiating, corrosive, radioactive and other kinds
    • Includes some new cargo models
  • Added 4 new vehicle cargo types
  • Added deliveries of empty containers
  • Added 16 contextual container liveries
    • Includes A/C model variant
  • Much more diverse job chains and routes
  • Notably increased amount of cars and jobs per station
  • Renamed Empty Haul job type to Logistical Haul
    • Now also colored red, distinct from Freight Haul
  • Revamped the job payment calculation for better balancing
    • Now also takes into account cargo value, damage risk, “boringness,” etc.
  • Changed shunting train splitting to maximum of 3 tracks (was 5)
  • Prevented being able to load/unload cars while they're moving
  • Prevented being able to finish a job while the cars are moving
  • Revamped the Industry Chain diagram
  • Made small improvements to the job booklet design

Career & Economy

  • Revamped Licenses
    • Licenses can now be a requirement for already existing jobs
    • Some licenses now have a tier-based progression
    • Added Hazmat license (3 tiers)
    • Added Military license (3 tiers)
    • Added Concurrent Job license (2 tiers, now required to do concurrent jobs)
    • Extended Longer Trains license to 2 tiers (and no longer affects general train length)
    • Licenses you own now determine your time bonus and insurance copay (more below)
    • Redesigned license graphics
    • You can buy licenses only if you have no unpaid fees (more on that below)
  • Added Career Manager machine
    • Located in every office station
    • Used to browse licenses and buy them
    • Used to browse fees and pay them
  • Added Fees
    • Career Manager can print fee booklets, detailing damages and consumed resources
    • Fees are tracked per job (cars included) or per locomotive
    • Fees can also include environmental damage (from emissions or accidents)
    • Player must repay all fees in order to buy or upgrade licenses
    • Job reports now list relevant fees
  • Added Insurance Copay
    • Player only needs to pay the insurance copayment in order to clear all the fees
    • Initially the copayment is small, but it gets bigger with every newly bought license
  • Added difficulty settings (affects payment amount of newly generated jobs)
  • Added repair-only stations to towns that didn’t have service before
  • Adjusted prices of items
  • Can’t enter military bases without the base license

Train Simulation

  • Revamped derailment physics
  • Fixed all sorts of unexpected derailment occurrences
  • Higher speeds are now safe to travel at
  • Made rerailing possible (more info below)
  • Revamped couplers
  • Completely reworked coupler physics
  • Brought coupled cars closer together
  • Made buffers compressible
  • Added fully functional chain couplers, with dangling physics
  • Added damage simulation
  • Added damage tracking of cars, cargo and the environment
  • Added liquid and gas cargo leakage on damaged cars
  • Liquids naturally flow and spread over terrain
  • Added fire and explosions, which can damage their surroundings
  • Added general chemical and chain reactions between reactive materials
  • Revamped brake simulation
    • Air is now realistically distributed throughout the entire train
    • Brake system now takes time to fill up with air (i.e. big trains need multiple locos)
  • Cars feature manual brake valves, and can be uncoupled without brakes applied
  • Added fully functional air brake hoses, with dangling physics
  • Shunter now generates air pressure only while the engine is running
  • Steam locomotive now generates air brake pressure using steam pressure from boiler
  • Braking now requires more planning and slamming is disincentivized
  • Fixed bugs with braking when having multiple locomotives in a train
  • Finished handcar simulation
  • Increased steam locomotive power, reduced wheelslip
  • Somewhat reduced shunter top speed
  • Remade buffer models (better visual quality, more variety)
  • Added independent brake to locomotives (more responsive than train brake)
  • Buffer stops are now breakable
  • Made steamer “Fire Out” valve work (if temp. under 100 deg)
  • Fixed broken window shards flying in the opposite direction when colliding
  • Temporarily removed locomotive headlights until they’re finished
  • Added notches to shunter throttle lever
  • Improved whistle rope grabbing
  • Fixed bogies sometimes having weird rotation and gap after derailment


  • Added Diesel locomotive
    • Can be acquired via license purchase
    • High power but also high fuel consumption, for use with very heavy trains
  • Added Nuclear Flask Carrier car
  • Added a few new car skins
  • Redesigned the car ID plate (now shows vehicle and cargo damage too)
  • Fixed new cars spawning in front of job cars while shuffling cars outside of yards
  • Trains now spawn around the middle of a yard track instead of against one end
  • Spawned trains sharing the same track are now visually separated from one another
  • Cars now have random orientation when spawning in yards
  • Manually spawned (non-job) cars no longer despawn if they are coupled to a loco
  • Fixed bad normal map shading direction on boxcars and tank cars
  • Locomotives now despawn after 2 hours of no use

World & Tracks

  • Revamped all stations
  • Added countless new props including roads, buildings, fences, vehicles, etc.
  • Changed track layouts
  • Revamped all yards to have a ladder layout
  • Added turntables and roundhouses, where applicable
  • Added passenger stations where applicable (for future use)
  • Added service depots
  • Added procedural sign generation
  • Automatically creates speed and grade signs throughout the entire railway network
  • Easily adaptable to potential new tracks and worlds in future
  • Added a Military Base station (north)
  • Added two Military Base sub-stations (MF and HB)
  • Added player home location
    • All lost items now respawn at home, in addition to Lost & Found sheds
  • Switches can now be manually operated (click-based)
  • Various track curve tweaks
  • Fixed sharp terrain walls and floating tracks
  • Fixed grass sticking through office floors and some platforms
  • Fixed radar floating when viewed from distance
  • Redesigned track ID signs
  • Set fixed distance of track ID signs from track ends


  • Revamped inventory (VR and non-VR)
    • Hold inventory button to access, hover and let go to take/store a selected item
    • Greater capacity
    • Dynamic layout, shows only occupied slots
    • New visual style (includes item icons and slot numbers in non-VR)
  • Wrist-based slots for dropping items into inventory (VR)
  • Fixed VR inventory buttons getting stuck sometimes
  • Revamped teleporting (for VR and non-VR)
    • Generally a lot more intuitive and precise
    • Allows easier climbing on rooftop surfaces
    • Allows climbing on flipped cars
    • Fixed issues when teleporting through tunnel entrances
    • Fixes many related bugs
  • Revamped menu GUI
    • Now more responsive, featuring new layout, graphics and sounds
    • Includes links to DV support page, Discord, etc.
    • Showing current headset/play mode at the bottom of main menu
    • Clicking out of menu now closes it (non-VR)
  • Improved VR belt
    • Items can now be taken out of belt only from within the belt sphere
    • Belt point positions can now be adjusted when grabbed with empty hands
    • Improved visual feedback
    • Fixed being unable to place an item to belt after briefly touching a VR inventory slot
  • Item retrieving
    • You can now retrieve essential items from the main menu
    • They will be brought to your hands, no matter where they are
  • Added VR loading screen (SteamVR only)
  • Added a loading screen when teleporting via map (non-VR and SteamVR only)
  • Item highlighting when clicking can now be turned off in the controls menu
  • Crosshair now automatically fades out when mouse is inactive (configurable)
  • Fixed sound pause lagging when opening menu

Items & Shops

  • Added Comms Radio
    • Replaces Junction Remote and includes several modes:
      • Switch mode - Throw a switch remotely, like before
      • Rerail mode - Rerail a vehicle, for a fee
      • Clear mode - Delete a vehicle, for a fee
      • Crew mode - Spawn a handcar if unlocked, at no cost
      • Spawn mode - Spawn any vehicle (replaces the old spawn tool, now also works in VR)
      • Cargo mode - Add cargo to spawned vehicles
  • Improved switch remote mode aiming precision
  • Remade World Map
    • Fast travel to any station or locomotive, for a fee
    • Fast travel with your locomotive, at extra cost
    • See other locomotives marked on the map
    • Improved map indicator visuals
    • Improved model
  • Added Golden Shovel
    • Very expensive, has extra capacity, stylish
  • Revamped schematic maps
    • Now includes markers for offices and service stations
  • Fixed items not going back to Lost & Found shed if left on derailed cars
  • Prevented many items from falling through terrain
  • Reworked shops
    • Shops are now dedicated buildings with item shelves
    • Every shop now features items exclusive to that shop
    • Remade cash register
  • Improved service stations
    • Fixed bugs when trying to service multiple locos
    • Steam loco and tender now need to be serviced separately
    • Increased servicing speed
    • Updated service station resource icons (consistent style with cargo icons)
    • Cash registers now issue receipts when completing purchase and service transactions
  • Lost money now goes to Lost & Found
  • Made the trash bin bigger and more massive

Save system

  • All locomotive states are now getting saved, including damage
  • Backup now keeps the saves of at least 3 sessions, or up to 10 MB
  • Made important items save as left on trains, when leaving the game (and not fall through)
  • Reduced autosave to every 5 minutes
  • Show notification banner when auto-saving
  • Steam version now stores the save on the Steam cloud


  • Fixed numerous issues with sounds (rail joint spam, glitches on start, etc.)
  • Fixed train wheels making rolling sounds when off-track
  • Improved sound processing (improved EQs, filters, reverbs, side-chaining...)
  • Fixed sound not changing to exterior when leaving the shunter sometimes
  • Added new joint sounds when crossing over switches
  • Added doppler effect to horns
  • Fixed wheels sound having start-delay when stepping on a rail vehicle


  • Revamped tutorial
  • Introduces VR controls on the controller, for beginners
  • Includes new UI and various other systems
  • Various tweaks and improvements
  • Updated locomotive manuals
  • Added Train Basics booklet
  • Updated DV Guide booklet
  • Revamped tunnel holes code to prevent sometimes hitting them as solid terrain
  • Added free camera (for video filming)
    • Console command - Player.FreeCamToggle
    • WASD, ctrl, space - move
    • Mouse scroll - change speed
    • LMB/RMB - change FOV
    • Alt - orbit around aimed target
    • Num Enter - attach to a moving vehicle player is on
    • Step on a moving vehicle to load terrain as it goes
    • It is possible to stop time by pressing pause (Esc)
    • Pressing Q also stops time but it stops the moving trains too
  • Loading screen in NonVR now shows high-res screenshots, picked at random
  • Updated Oculus SDK to the latest version
  • Fixed double-clicking Esc causing the player to teleport to the sky
  • Alt+Tab no longer enables mouse-look when the latter is bound to Alt key
  • Removed the “you derailed” popup as it’s no longer relevant
  • Updated DV logo
  • Reduced size of splash screen Altfuture logo
  • Added option to prevent Alt+Tab from pausing the game (non-VR only)
  • Fixed coal lumps not disappearing when thrown into firebox
  • Increased sensitivity of locomotive remote joysticks
  • Added sound alert for wheelslipping using locomotive remote
  • Fixed wallet text overflowing to new line when too rich
  • Fixed being able to bring up menu during loading