Build 83

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Released Fri, July 10, 2020


  • Further terrain rework (WIP)
    • Eliminates stuttering when “loading area”
    • Increases terrain texture resolution in distant terrains
    • Fixes end of the world being visible (terrain prolongs outside of the world borders)
    • Reduces system complexity, allows easy world terrain updating
  • Reworked car loading
  • Fixes stuttering caused by trains spawning when approaching stations
  • Potentially fixed the ignition switches not starting the train for some players
  • Fixed fast-travel with handcar crashing the game


  • Fixed a bug sometimes making it impossible to teleport while moving
  • Fixed a bug with Comms Radio getting dropped when used since build 82
  • Potentially fixed a bug where grip binding could move to trigger after a while
  • Fixed a bug causing Vive wands sticky item holding to behave like continuous
  • Fixed inventory tooltip jittering if on a moving train


  • Fixed a bug with jobs not spawning properly after fast-travel
  • Prevented manual service tip screen from showing on fees smaller than $1k
  • Inverted sorting order of fees so the smallest ones show first
  • Fixed fast-travel with handcar charging extra for loco transport
  • Reworded a few Career Manager lines


  • Fixed loaded trains having faulty mass in Freight Haul and Unloading jobs
    • They were almost twice lighter than they should be
  • Reworked hopper car UV map and texture to be modder friendly
  • Made locomotive windows harder to break
  • Loosened the ignition rotary switches on DE2 and DE6 locomotives
  • Fixed unused locos being able to despawn if part of an active train


  • Increased sunlight intensity
    • It was accidentally lower than normal since the Overhauled release
  • Fixed Hazmat spills/fire being temporarily disabled since #82
  • Fixed tank car leak orientations being wrong and their cracks invisible
  • Fixed a bug in NonVR where tab+esc would make the handheld item flimsy