Build 82

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Released Fri, June 26, 2020


  • Reworked terrain loading
    • Fixes abnormal RAM usage
    • Should no longer cause crashes on PCs with 12 GB of RAM or more
    • Somewhat reduces stuttering when loading new areas (WIP)
    • Can cause vegetation NRE if player goes out of world bounds (WIP)

VR Controls

  • Added option that Trigger operates all train controls
    • If enabled then Grip only interacts with items
    • On by default for Index users (based on feedback)
    • Applies to all controllers except Vive wands
  • Fixed left-hand item scrolling moving the player (e.g when page flipping)
  • Fixed a bug where opening menu while hovering over a wrist orb could break the game
  • Fixed a case where Comms Radio won’t work when taken out of the belt
  • Fixed a bug where pageflipping could get stuck when not looked at, in VR
  • Improved grab precision of Index controller (volume was too big)

NonVR Controls

  • Fixed item view mode (Alt) getting bugged when alt-tabbing
  • Fixed some bugs with nonVR inventory when adding items to the last slot


  • Reworked shunter to have interactive doors
    • Maintains the same UV layout so the existing skin mods still work
  • Minor optimization to diesel locomotive rendering


  • Costs from manual servicing now add up to copay too
  • Added Stats screen to Career Manager
    • Shows player stats including total copay and time bonus deadline effect
  • Removed "manual servicing" hint screen if the fee is bigger than remaining copay
  • Reworded “you only need to pay” when having a smaller fee than copay
  • Tweaked wording on “job denied” printout
    • Explains that you only need to pay the fees you can afford, not all
  • Fixed steam locomotive fee payment not putting out fire (causing ongoing env. fees)
  • Fixed a rare case where a locomotive despawning during fee paying could break the game
  • Updated DE6 license text to say it’s capable of loads up to 1400t


  • Fixed Shop Item Scanner sometimes not spawning where it should
  • Fixed loco remote not charging through DE6’s windows
  • Updated inventory item representations of most booklets, to make them language-independent


  • Added key page to Schematic Map
  • Tweaks to Schematic Map (missing switches, etc.)
  • Fixed being able to fast travel to a locomotive you don't have a license for

World & Tracks

  • Remodelled Iron Ore Mine chute area to be wider (prevents DE6 from clipping it in a corner)
    • Reworked tracks around it to fit
  • Made IME service station tender-accessible when reached head first
  • Replaced an empty/unused shop building with an unenterable scenery shop model
  • Moved HB D yard slightly so both a shunter and a flatcar can fit into the merge track
  • Fixed oil silos floating
  • Fixed terrain going over tracks at a wye west of Harbor


  • Fixed user settings not getting saved until the player reopens the menu
  • Fixed being able to fast-travel twice before the first one initiates, breaking the game
  • NonVR Controls booklet now has a specific icon in inventory


  • Changed the "Save and Exit" button text to not say that during the tutorial
  • Fixed UI option not updating when choosing some options in tutorial
  • Updated DV Guide texts to better explain some things
  • Tweaked nonVR “pick up the Comms Radio” prompt wording
  • Tweaked steam locomotive manual (+ added “prerequisites” page)