Build 88

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The Signs Update

Released Sat, October 10, 2020


  • Fixed NRE in tutorial when approaching SM
  • Fixed “skip tutorial” breaking the game since last build
  • Fixed tutorial breaking if playing offset in seated/teleport mode in VR
  • Guarded against a case of locomotives falling under the world and causing NaN
  • Skip spawning of cars with corrupt world position in savegame
  • Fixed infinite loading screen if Alt pressed during fast travel
  • Fixed NRE when entering caboose while in roundhouse
  • Fixed more rare benign errors related to item grabbing
  • Potentially fixed a rare case where spamming inventory button in VR can freeze the menu
  • Slightly decreased RAM consumption
    • Optimized textures of far buildings LOD
    • Reduced size of some booklet textures
  • Fixed rare benign errors related to item grabbing
  • Slightly optimized saving states during tutorial


  • Fixed vegetation rendering
    • Fixed trees LOD fade effect being inverted and causing extra popping
    • Trees in distance no longer pop into existence, but smoothly fade in
    • Fixed distant trees flickering visibility while the player is moving, from certain angles
  • Improved texture clarity of some booklets (particularly in VR)


  • Added preliminary fixes for WMR joystick drift
    • Enable via Debug.WMRFix 1 and Debug.WMRFix 2
  • Added sprint to WMR, activated by holding both joysticks up
  • Fixed being able to open inventory during pause in VR


  • In case of reset tracks, Caboose will retain items left in it
  • In case of reset tracks, Caboose will teleport with the player to the nearest station
    • Will happen if the Caboose was attached to the train you were last using
    • Will happen if the Caboose was within 1.5km of the player in the last session
    • Will happen in #87 -> #88 build transition
  • Added charging sound to Caboose loco remote charger
  • Fixed MU plugs not aligning properly when connected
  • Fixed Handcar taking time to “refill air brakes” when just spawned
  • Fixed Handcar brakes taking long to respond (sticky behavior)
  • Fixed tender sometimes spawning uncoupled from the steam locomotive
  • Prevented coupling to handcar (both auto-couple and via remote)

World & Tracks

  • Improved sign generator
    • Added speed ahead diff signs (shows on current sign if next limit is notably different)
    • Significantly reduced sign clutter and speed limit turbulence
    • Junction signs now display distance till actual junction (in km)
    • Changed junction sign color to white and red
    • Grade signs now display grade amount on them (in %)
    • Increased grade sign sensitivity
    • Updated Train Basics manual with new info on signs
  • Fixed being unable to teleport into the Military Base tunnel
  • Fixed various track kinks in stations
  • Moved various trees off the tracks, in stations
  • Increased LOD distance of signs text


  • Updated world map
    • Remade the world texture in higher detail
    • Now features accurate track layout
    • Increased size of player blip
    • Player blip now draws on top of other blips
    • Increased brightness of map text
  • Fast travelling with MU’d locos now takes all of them together
  • Fixed fast travelling with multiple vehicles playing coupling sound on arrival


  • Teleporting off a vehicle while sitting in nonVR will now unsit the player
  • Disabled Unity’s resolution dialog (previously started by ctrl + game start)
  • Fixed inventory items not loading in tutorial extension on restart
  • Fixed menu UI sounds having glitchy volume when used
  • Improved clarity of scrap metal texture when looked at level
  • Made Career Manager “copay paid” screen exit directly to item selection
  • Stylized “boosted signal” to “sgnl boost” on loco remote for consistency
  • Improved appearance and text of the “skip tutorial” prompt
  • Fixed a village house having slightly offset shadows