Harbor & Town

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Harbor and Town, or just Harbor, is by far the largest and most complex station in the game, having 6 different yards/sub maps in the Station Map booklet. Almost every kind of freight and goods in the Valley goes to Harbor. Harbor also exports a plethora of materials to almost every station. Harbor's many yards and jobs make it a good early game location to learn the complexities of shunting and can go anywhere with a job of some kind. With all of these things in consideration, Harbor is intended to be one of, if not the, central hub in the game.

As of Build 81, there will always be at least 1 shunter spawned at Harbor inside either of the P (Parking) tracks or inside the Roundhouse near the west entrance. The Roundhouse has both steam and diesel servicing facilities, including repairs. The shop in Harbor sells the pocket watch for $5,000.

In Build 84, the devs have forced a DE6 spawn in the roundhouse, making it always possible to find at least one DE6 locomotive there.

Industry Chain



Build 84:

  • Potentially fixed passenger platform being too close to tracks

Build 82:

  • Moved D yard slightly so both a shunter and a flatcar can fit into the merge track

Build 81:

  • Made at least one shunter always spawn

Build 80:

  • Added Military Base sub-station