Steel Mill

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Steel Mill is the first station the player reaches once they complete the tutorial. It is a fairly simple yard with most of the early game necessities. Steel Mill imports Iron Ore from the Iron Mines, Coal from Coal Mine, and Argon from Harbor. It exports every type of Steel Product to Machine Factory and Goods Factory, Rails to Harbor, and empties to various other stations. The shunting jobs in Steel Mill can get a little complex with it's somewhat strange layout of the A tracks but it is a good starting location as there are no Hazmat materials exported and those the player may contact are usually only in shunting jobs.

Steel Mill has a Diesel and Steam Servicing shed with a repair station along with a turntable with 2 radial tracks off of it. Before Overhauled it had a shop as well.

Industry Chain



Build 84:

  • Moved SM service station closer to depot entrance