Service Point

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Service Points are where locomotives are repaired and refueled. Depending on the location, service points can refuel diesel fuel, coal, water, and/or repair damage. Some locations also have separate coal and/or water towers for steam locomotives.

Servicing your own locomotive requires a license. If the player does not have the required license, service fees can be paid at the career manager. However, fees paid in this way cost twice as much, so the player is incentivized to purchase a manual license as soon as possible.


Drive a locomotive into the service area. Once the locomotive is aligned, the service point will make a beeping sound, and the terminal will display the current damage and stock levels of any components or consumables the locomotive has. If the service point is a water tower, the horizontal position of the spout must also be aligned with the engine's water tank using a wheel at the tower's base.

If the player has a manual service license, the player can repair or restock the locomotive by pulling a lever for each item available at the terminal. If the player does not have enough money to pay for service, the levers can be pulled in the other direction until the price is at an acceptable level.

Repairs and consumables are not applied until the player uses their wallet at the terminal's point of sale. Once service is paid for, it cannot be removed from the locomotive.

Service station locations and types

Manual coal and water towers are marked with an M. This data is incomplete as of Build 93.
Station name (Symbol) Water Coal Diesel Repair
Steel Mill (SM)   ◯
Harbor (HB)
Food Factory (FF) M
City South West (CSW) M
Machine Factory (MF) M
Oil Well North (OWN)
Oil Well Central (OWC) M
Coal Mine (CM)
Iron Mine East (IME)
Iron Mine West (IMW) M
Goods Factory (GF) M
Farm (FM) M
Forest Central (FRC) M
Forest South (FRS) M
Sawmill (SW) M M


Build 95:

  • Added 9 new water towers to the map
    • Pass-through in FF, OWC, FM, GF, MF, FRC, FRS, MB
    • Non-pass-through in CSW
    • Maps have not been updated with new tower locations yet
  • Made improvements to coal/water towers
    • Added alert sounds indicating steam vehicle alignment with chutes/faucets
    • Improved sound placement and volume, when using the towers
    • Fixed the water jet effect clipping through vehicles and taking too long to end

Build 93:

  • Linked trains now accept service as a single unit

Build 81:

  • Added service station range platforms
  • Added service station train detector
    • Indicates with lights and sound whether a train is in range for servicing
    • Informs player if they need a license

Build 80:

  • Improved service stations
    • Fixed bugs when trying to service multiple locos
    • Steam loco and tender now need to be serviced separately
    • Increased servicing speed
    • Updated service station resource icons (consistent style with cargo icons)

Service Building v80
Service Building inside v80
Service Terminal inside building v80
Service Terminal at tracks v81
DE2 inside Service Building, service terminal active v80