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A railroad switch is a mechanical installation enabling trains to be guided from one track to another at a railway junction. A train moving from the narrow end of junction toward the switch blades will be directed to one of the two paths, depending on the position of the switch blades. A train coming from either of the converging directs will pass through the switch onto the narrow end, regardless of the position of the switch blades, as the vehicle's wheels will force the switch blades to rearrange if necessary.

A switch can be operated from a distance using the comms radio or manually while standing directly next to it.

A train driver can recognise the switch setting from a distance by looking at plates mounted on the switch stand or at a lever at the bottom and their arrangement in relation to the pole. It could also be determined using the comms radio - when in "switch mode" and pointed at a switch, the comms radio will display an arrow to the left or to the right, accordingly to the switch setting. Eventually, one can look at the switch blades and their arrangement.

Warning: do not change a switch under a passing train - it may cause a derailment.