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Multi-Unit or 'Multiple unit' refers to coupling multiple locomotives together so that they operate as one, with controls automatically being mirrored across all units accordingly to the one the player is controlling.


To multi-unit, the player requires:

  • The 'multiple unit' license
  • At least two compatible locomotives
    • And the license(s) to use them

The license

The 'Multiple Unit' license, shortened as MU, requires the 'Concurrent Orders 1' license to have been bought, after which it can be purchased at any Career Manager for $30,000.-. Purchasing it will raise the copay amount by $5,000.00 and decrease the time bonus deadline by 1%.

The Multiple Unit cable on a DE6.

Compatible locomotives

Any locomotives with the Multi-Unit cable can be coupled up together, even if they are of different classes. The locomotives do not need to be facing the same way (i.e. 'cab forward'). Currently, the following locomotives possess a Multi-Unit cable:


Multi-Unit allows for an easily manageable enhancement of hauling capacities. This way, almost any train can be pulled even if the player only has the DE2 license as long as enough locomotives are linked together.

While it's possible to link different types of engines it is generally not recommend to link DH4 and DE2/DE6 because of large differences in throttle fidelity(DH4 throttle has 7 steps while DE2 has 11 and DE6 has 10; so changing throttle on one engine will disproportionally affect the throttle on the other) which usually results in one of the locos pulling most of the weight.

DE6 and DE2 is a popular combination as it can give DE6 the Locomotive remote functionally through the DE2 but again care needs to be taken when using the throttle as DE6's motor transition takes a while to actually provide power and during that short time the DE2 will be the sole working engine, often resulting in a wheel slip - the throttle needs to be changed only one step at a time. Alternatively, you can simply connect the DE2 but not turn on the engine at all as only the electrics breaker needs to be up to pair the remote. Yet another way is to connect the DE6 Slug to the DE2 which will all but eliminate the risk of wheelslip(and overheating)