Build 98

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Build 98 is entitled "B98 - Microshunter, DE Revamp, Vehicle Catalog, Better FPS and More Improvements." This build introduced the BE2, reintroduced the Vehicle Catalog, and added many quality-of-life improvements.


This changelog has been transcribed from the Steam update announcement.


  • Made numerous CPU and GPU optimizations, increasing FPS up to 30% in some cases
    • This affects both VR and PC users
    • It depends on user hardware and game situation
  • Fixed a few game-breaking bugs involving tutorials
  • Fixed hovering over save slots causing jarring hiccups in VR
  • Fixed rare case where items or vehicles could fall through ground near tunnel entrances
  • Fixed save files sometimes able to appear in wrong sessions

Train Simulation

  • Added BE2-260 Microshunter work train
    • Microshunter is a tiny locomotive with a special purpose
    • It’s an emergency tow vehicle, for when no proper locomotives are at hand
    • It needs to be unlocked before it can be used
    • The key costs $30k, and it’s found in Bob’s Garage (handcar is no longer there)
    • Once unlocked, Microshunter can be summoned via comms radio for $2500
    • It features the all new battery-electric powertrain, with an electric charger socket
    • Beware of Microshunter not being a great choice to do orders with
    • See vehicle catalog for more details
  • Revamped DE powertrain simulation
    • DE2 and DE6 now behave significantly closer to real-life counterparts
    • The change shows in notch operation, heat management, sound dynamics
    • TMs can now break apart if overspeeding
    • Simulating series and parallel circuitry, proper transitions
    • Improved governor simulation
    • TM wear now occurs from running at high temperature in addition to raw mileage
    • Rheostatic dynamic brake power now peaks at around 35 km/h
    • Slug can now share power from two locomotives, one at each end
    • Slug now has less of an impact on top speed
  • Modified DE6
    • All new engine sound
    • Reduced powertrain wear
    • Updated gauges to fit the new simulation
    • Swapped large DE6 breaker switch for electrics with a smaller one for TM
  • Modified DE2
    • Boosted DE2’s power to its former 400t glory
    • Reduced powertrain wear
    • Updated gauges to fit the new simulation
  • Modified DM3
    • Fixed DM3 getting frozen if money shifted
    • Added gear shifting pattern plaque next to the gear levers
  • Modified DH4
    • Dynamic brake no longer functions when the engine is off (no pump)
  • Added a variety of air compressor sounds
  • Fixed S282 loco and tender sometimes colliding at spawn, causing damage
  • Fixed wipers squeaking when there’s light rain, but windows are still wet


  • Added Vehicle Catalog handbook item
    • This item is always available and can be retrieved to inventory
    • It condensely lists stats of all motorized and work vehicles in the game, including:
    • Name, unit count, production years, license info, vehicle type and role(s)
    • Spawn locations and chance, ability to summon and cost
    • Load rating on flat, dry uphill and wet uphill track (conservative)
    • Dimensions, mass full and empty, pricing, wheel and coupler configuration
    • Vehicle power supply, transmission, brake and other features
    • Detailed system of scores and effects of vehicles
  • Turned handcar into a free vehicle
    • In career mode you can now spawn it for free right from the start
    • This helps reduce running/teleporting around in the Realistic difficulty preset
  • Began implementation of player-owned vehicles feature set
    • Work trains are now player-owned
    • This means insurance doesn’t cover their servicing - careful!
    • You can see owned vehicles listed under the “Owned Vehicles” career manager category
    • You can print them for cost specifics, just like with vehicle fees
    • Microshunter and Slug can get damaged and need servicing to stay functional
    • Handcar and Caboose are intentionally made to not acquire damage or need servicing
    • Player-owned vehicles can only be serviced manually, not adding up to copay
  • Added electric chargers
    • Located in towns’ and SM service points, for Microshunter charging
  • Fast travel now elapses game time, depending on distance traveled
    • Increased the UI window to show arrival time
  • Improved sleeping
    • Extended maximum sleeping duration option from 8 to to 10 hours
    • Modified the sleeping cooldown logic, now being less restrictive
    • Added Sleep Cooldown difficulty setting
    • In the Realistic preset the cooldown is 8h, in Standard 6h and in Comfort none
  • Added loose world map coordinates next to vehicle ID on career manager
  • Increased fire damage to vehicles x3
  • Removed work trains being available in sandbox if they're not unlocked in career
  • Added more day duration difficulty settings (3, 4, 6, 8 and 12 hours)


  • Added sitting height adjustment in nonVR
    • Hold X and use mousewheel to adjust
  • Added ability to save favorite position in a vehicle
    • This is a position you’ll be placed into when dashing to a vehicle’s cab
    • First get into a comfortable position in a vehicle. Then:
    • In nonVR - in mouse mode (Alt) click the new “Save Camera Position” button
    • In VR - in inventory top-right corner, click the new “Save Camera Position” button
    • Favorite positions are saved per particular vehicle type, on the user level
    • Click the "Reset Camera Position" button to reset to default position
  • Improvements to mouse mode UI and external camera
    • Made mouse mode UI accessible by temp-holding Alt, instead of only toggle
    • Each camera type now has a separate button in mouse mode UI
    • Photo mode button now features outline when active
    • Same as for 1p view, you can now save/reset camera offset for the follow camera
    • Fixed being unable to shovel coal on S282 via driving UI, since B97
    • Fixed driving UI not showing amount of coal and water in tender properly
    • Fixed driving UI text being cut off
    • Increased size of non-alphabetic fonts in Driving UI, for improved clarity
  • Made improvements to manual and its UI
    • Added new articles and updated existing ones
    • Manual headlines now break into multiple lines when they don’t fit
    • Manual now displays text in tooltip area on mouseover, helps when truncated
    • Removed text justification for languages with long words (French, Dutch…)
  • Improvements to item interaction in nonVR
    • Prevented being able to grab items through walls and objects
    • Made held items adjust their position proportional to camera FOV
  • Improvements to nonVR input
    • Fixed mouse scroll not working on career manager in mouse mode with held item
    • Added a couple settings for inverting scrolling in Settings/Controls
    • Fixed “use” action being hardcoded to LMB (mouse0)
    • Inverted mouse-wheel interaction with loco remote coupler selector knob
  • Made turntable booths have a dash anchor, like locomotive cabs do


  • Added seamless height adjustment in VR
    • Hold both Triggers and move hands vertically to lift/lower yourself
  • Revamped Vive wand controls and feel
    • Fixed controller calibration angle, bad since B97
    • It is now possible to walk while holding an item in left hand
    • Use Item is now done with Trigger, like on all other controllers
    • Item scrolling is now Trigger+Touchpad Left/Right, like on all other controllers
    • To drop an item press Trigger+Grip
  • Drastically improved hand shakiness and aiming smoothness feel
  • Fixed missing haptic feedback when interacting with levers in OculusVR mode
  • Added haptic feedback when aiming at a switch with comms radio
  • Fixed objects in peripheral vision popping on Oculus headsets
  • Fixed being unable to tele-interact with item-nested controls
  • Fixed a bug where item scrolling in VR could get stuck in a certain circumstance
  • Fixed being able to drop an item in VR with the hand still attached to it
  • Fixed bad interaction with some vehicle buttons/switches in VR
  • Improved interaction with fuel hose plug in VR
  • Cut number of notches on handcar hand crank to make VR haptic feedback less spammy
  • Shortened inventory long-press wait threshold


  • Fixed sun sometimes shining through mountains when behind player at sundown
  • Fixed items in player’s home having bad lighting
  • Fixed glitched lighting on passenger car windows
  • Fixed rain droplets missing on High graphics setting (merged with Very High)
  • Fixed shadows being glitchy on the lowest quality setting
  • Fixed a rare visual glitch with pumpjacks being drawn behind background terrain
  • Fixed SteamVR loading screen being low-resolution, since B96


  • Fixed being able to “man vehicle” oneself into a locked military base
  • Fixed some short sounds not being affected by the doppler effect (e.g. horn pulse)
  • Fixed tunnel entrance structures not having collision with player and trains
  • Fixed CCUR1 license not saying that it removes rerail discount
  • Reduced career manager text size to fit long words in non-English languages
  • Fixed VR-intended inventory icons showing up in nonVR inventory, since B97
  • Fixed inventory hotbar being offset on ultrawide monitors
  • Middle mouse button is now bindable (as mouse2)
  • Increased size of weathercast posters
  • Added coal service marker to CM on world map
  • Fixed missing collision with harbor military base fence
  • Made boombox radio signal no longer getting audibly lossy in station offices already
  • Fixed pocketwatch ticking sound not being 3D when held in hand
  • Made pocketwatch alarm needle movement increment 12 min to align with minute marks
  • Numerous improvements to texts and translations
  • Many other small improvements


  • Reworked locomotive tutorials to be singular runs again, but with only a short drive
  • Integrated vehicle catalog, height adjustment, VR remote driving and handcar to career tutorial
  • No longer showing post-tutorial steps if session was started with tutorial disabled
  • Added all tutorial prompts to the Localization Test scene
  • Numerous tutorial improvements, cleanups and bug fixes