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In Derail Valley, the locomotives, cars, and environment can be hurt in various ways due to impacts, derailments, and operation errors.

Updates to the damage system are planned for build 93.

"On DE loco types, overheating the TMs can result in either receiving minor damage and shutting down the breaker, or dying entirely (causing bigger damage), or catching on fire (causing big damage and some more over time until the fire goes out). This can happen when taking too big a load, accelerating too harshly, going up a very steep grade, switching to reverse while going forward, etc.

On DH and DM locos, the transmission (fluid coupling) can overheat and blow up. This results in major damage to the powertrain and renders the loco immobile until repaired. Like with DE/E types this can happen from too big a load, or mishandling the gearbox.

On S locos, exposing the crown sheet to boiler can result in the boiler exploding. Also having water in cylinders can crack them (either due to priming (overfilling), or due to water condensation forming in the cylinders). The latter isn't super expensive to repair, but it will render the loco immobile.

Diesel fueled locos can explode if their body health reaches 0% due to fire damage and their tanks aren't empty. Exploded locos have all of their health categories put to 0% and a different appearance inside and outside; it does cost a lot to repair them. All the loco types can get major damage if not supplied with oil.

Brake pads can also overheat if misused, which can lead to being unable to stop the train.