Build 96

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The Update was named "Slug, texture streaming & many more improvements"

Build 96 is the update where the slug was added.



  • Added texture streaming
    • Instead of holding all textures in VRAM, the game now loads them dynamically
    • This drastically reduces required VRAM capacity
    • This also indirectly helps reduce RAM usage on PCs with limited VRAM
    • This should help prevent crashes and stuttering induced by RAM/VRAM shortage
    • Added options for this in Settings/Advanced
  • Further reduced RAM usage (apart from texture streaming)
  • Fixed corrupted saves being able to make the main menu unusable
  • Fixed locomotive exploding being able to cause an error in driving UI
  • Fixed turntable sounds continuing playing when the turning stops
  • Fixed having a disabled right VR controller being able to break the game
  • Fixed error caused by spamming keyboard shortcuts while teleporting into a loco
  • Fixed “transform.SetParent” warning message spam in console
  • Fixed AudioListener warning spam in main menu, in Oculus SDK


  • Added Nvidia Freestyle support (Ray tracing)
    • Requires Nvidia GPU and GeForce Experience installed, latest drivers
    • Press Alt+F3 to enable the Freestyle sidebar where you can add and edit filters
    • We recommend giving the SSRTGI filter a try, which adds ray tracing
    • Note that this alters game performance
  • Fixed smoke not blending into fog nicely
  • Fixed some cases of water surfaces z-fighting when viewed from above
  • Fixed comms radio laser not rendering well over smoke

Train Simulation

  • Added DE6 Slug
    • DE6 Slug is a stripped-down DE6 (has TMs, but no diesel engine or cab)
    • It’s a “work train” vehicle, located in a locked garage somewhere in the world
    • The garage key can be purchased in Harbor shop for $20k
    • The slug can be spawned freely in sandbox mode
    • Couple it to any DE locomotive via MU to distribute power to more motors
    • Doing this makes the locomotive engine better utilized at low speeds
    • It allows for drastically reduced overheating and wheelslip when accelerating
    • The slug is able to brake dynamically too
    • The slug is filled with concrete to retain traction, making it very heavy
    • EMF from its 6 TMs may drastically reduce locomotive’s top speed
    • The slug can only assist a single locomotive, the one that was MU’d first
    • Once unlocked, the slug can be moved around freely and never gets despawned
    • It can also be moved anywhere via comms radio work train function for $5k
    • The slug doesn’t receive damage and cannot be repaired
    • The slug model is made so that most DE6 skins work with it out of the box
  • Improved steam lubricator mechanics
    • Fixed indicator not working correctly on S060
    • Mechanical damage now starts when oil level gets under 50% (was 100%)
    • Running gear now screeches based on oil level rather than damage
    • Remade the running gear grinding sound to be more noticeable
    • Lubricator now gets reset when paying fees, sleeping or rerailing
  • Made accessing a fee for a single unit reset other sibling units to default state
    • e.g. paying a tender fee also disables the injector on the locomotive
  • Fixed S282A and S060 brake pads not glowing when overheated
  • Made loco remote “pair” button do nothing if user is not on a locomotive
  • Fixed locomotives sometimes despawning prematurely (S060 in particular)
  • Made DH4 reverser immovable when the vehicle is traveling over ~8 km/h
  • Made DM3 lever knobs white for improved visibility
  • Fixed S282B (tender) missing the wheel slide particle effects
  • Modified price of caboose garage key to $20k (was $25k)
  • Modified price of caboose summon to $5k (was $10k)
  • Fixed DE6 warped metal look causing strange dark blotches on the side
  • Minor tweaks to the S060 UV map and modeling


  • Reworked zoom in mouse mode
    • Zooming now focuses on where the mouse cursor is
    • Unzooming now returns the camera to the original position
    • Held items now can be viewed zoomed in mouse mode
  • Added setting “Within Reach” to Keyboard Driving difficulty parameter
    • This allows using the keyboard controls only in vicinity of train controls
    • This is now the default setting in Standard and Realistic presets
  • Fixed lanterns falling off of S282 (and generally items when close to the vehicle edge)
  • Fixed various inconsistencies with vehicle spawning
    • Comms radio spawner mode no longer offers locked vehicles
    • Comms radio spawner mode now includes work trains too
    • Removed the comms radio work train mode from sandbox game mode
    • Scenario train editor now shows locked vehicles with a locker icon
    • Trying to start a scenario with a locked vehicle now issues a blocker popup
    • Caboose is no longer missing from scenario train editor
    • DM3 is no longer possible to spawn or fast travel with when it’s locked
  • Creating a new session now defaults the difficulty preset to the last used one
  • Fixed train keyboard controls being able to cause issues when pressed during pause
  • Made sit and lean states turn off when walking away more than a couple meters
  • Fixed being unable to pick up items after placing them on bed/couch
  • Fixed boombox changing modes during game pause
  • Increased intensity and range of comms radio LED light
  • Fixed being able to dislodge doors, levers and such with the fuel hose plug
  • Fixes to minor missing or floating objects in stations


  • Brought back physical touch interaction with buttons
    • Now works as intended, please give it a try
    • Can still be disabled in settings
  • Simplified controller calibration
    • Pointer beam is now relative to hand and uniform across all controllers
    • Please let us know if calibration feels off and needs adjusting
  • Fixed small items not always going to predefined position in hand, when grabbed
  • Fixed shop scanner laser pointing down in VR
  • Fixed some items being unable to be put in carabiner slots in VR
  • Fixed being able to walk through thin colliders (e.g. turntable rod)
  • Fixed UI interaction in localization test scene not working in VR


  • Fixed career tutorial able to break if one avoids the steps that teaches how to jump
  • Added career tutorial tutorial step teaching about the Lost & Found sheds
  • Added a post-tutorial step teaching how to cancel jobs (trash bin)
  • Added “Can’t save in tutorial” message in save manager, during career tutorial