Build 91

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Boombox & More!

Released Fri, March 12 2021

Stability & Internal

  • Attempted fix for trains that occasionally spawn inside other trains, causing unfair fees
  • Drastically improved automation of terrain build preparation process
    • This speeds up internal workflow for build making and testing
  • Preferences optimization
    • Increased preferences reading speed
    • Added functionality to auto-upgrade preferences
    • Made anisotropic filtering auto-upgrade to Ultra, if was on High in previous build
    • Added versioning to preferences file
  • Updated Post Processing


  • Added Boombox
    • Can be bought in CitySW
    • Features two modes, Radio and Cassette player
    • Radio can play real life online radio stations (included
    • Players can add or create radio stations (see readme.pdf for details)
    • Radio features audible signal loss effect when going through tunnels
    • Cassette player can play cassettes that can be bought in shops
    • Some cassettes contain music, whereas others point to players’ local playlist folders
    • Players can add their own music to those playlists (see readme.pdf for details)
  • Added item placing feature in nonVR
    • Hold R while holding an item and aim at a surface to see item gizmo
    • The gizmo will show warning color if aimed location clashes with another surface or item
    • Use mouse scroll to rotate the gizmo
    • Release R to place the item in place of the gizmo, at the aimed location
  • Booklets now save the page they were on
  • Fixed issues with Loco Remote
    • Fixed nonVR mouse interaction not working with joysticks when ungrabbed
    • Improved couple knob to react better to mousewheel
    • Fixed item preview being offset in VR inventory
  • Fixed issues with Pocket Watch
    • Fixed occasional scrolling jam in nonVR
    • Fixed wind knob chaotically colliding with the environment when held
    • Fixed falling too slow
  • Fixed the inability to pick up the items remaining on the turntable control panel in nonVR
  • Item highlighting is now disabled by default in nonVR
  • Optimized shovel texture size


  • Made improvements to belt orbs
    • Their position is now saved
    • Items stored in them are now saved too
    • Orb rotation now snaps to 90 degree angles when in close proximity
    • Rotation gizmo now appears when hovering over the orb
  • Improved controller anchors for Cosmos users (thanks Niko!)
  • Fixed draft lever (and DE6 windows) not working on some headsets
  • Fixed shovel in VR getting dropped when holding it a certain way and teleporting


  • Rerailing is now free until buying licenses CCUR1 or LONG1
  • Improved randomness of destination input tracks in job generation
  • License printouts now list license dependencies
  • Removed the ability to click trash bin to delete job (throw it in instead)


  • Fixed taking money via wallet-click in tutorial breaking the tutorial
  • Tutorial now introduces the player to mouse-scroll train controls in nonVR
  • Fixed various rare bugs with reloading the game while in tutorial part 2 or skipping tutorial


  • Removed snow, at least until next Christmas
  • Improved interactable control aim precision in nonVR
  • Limited junction speed limit to 60 (was 70 before), to prevent unexpected derailments
  • Money left in cash registers, career managers, etc. is now returned to wallet on game quit
  • Fixed receipt not being able to flip pages
  • Fixed missing crosshair tooltip in nonVR if starting the game with Cab Highlight option off
  • Fixed nonVR inventory bugging out when retrieving items via pause menu
  • Improved tender water hatch to be easily grabbable in nonVR
  • Tweaked shape of controller tooltip background in VR
  • Added readme.pdf to game root folder